Super Visa

The Parent and Grandparent Super Visa for Canada allow parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to visit Canada for extended periods. Super visas typically grant entry to Canada for up to two years, with the ability to apply for extensions of one year at a time. It is for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents who want to visit Canada for lengthy periods.

All applicants are required to purchase private medical insurance before landing in Canada.

The Super Visa has allowed many thousands of international parents and grandparents to come to Canada for extended periods, benefiting families and communities across the country, not just socially, but economically too. For example, by their presence in Canada parents and grandparents of adult children can help with taking care of infants, allowing working-age immigrants and naturalized citizens to take a full part in the Canadian labour force.

It should be noted that Super Visa holders are not allowed to work in Canada. There is a permanent residence program for parents and grandparents; however, there is a limited supply of visas under this program, and applications can take a long time to be processed.



Family size Minimum Necessary Gross Income
2 persons $31,544
3 persons $38,780
4 persons $47,084
5 persons $53,402
6 persons $60,228
7 persons $67,055
If more than 7 people, for each additional person add: $6,827


  • You must have an invitation from a host in Canada (i.e. your child or grandchild). The host must meet a minimum income threshold, as they are responsible for your financial support while in Canada.
  • You must pass a medical examination.
  • You must have valid Canadian medical insurance coverage for at least one year. Applicants must show proof that they have purchased private medical insurance coverage from a Canadian insurance provider

Super Visa letter of invitation

A successful Super Visa application must include a letter of invitation written by the host (child or grandchild) in Canada. This letter must include the following information about the invitee (parent or grandparent):

Complete name; Date of birth; Address; Telephone number; Relationship to the host; The purpose of the trip to Canada; How long the invitee intends to stay in Canada; Where the invitee will stay, and how he or she intends to finance purchases while in Canada; and when the invitee plans to leave Canada.

Need More Information About Super Visa Application?

IRCC to resume FSWP and CEC invitations in July and offer open work permit to PGWP holders